Salestraining and Presentation Workshop


The aim of this workshop is to develop more consciousness and more skills in various aspects of sales and presentation.
It also increases psychological knowledge and the ability to "emotionally bond" with ones clients, as well as giving participants ample opportunity to improve their English skills.

Some general topics to be explored:


With which feelings and preconceived ideas does the salesperson approach 
the client? How does s/he see the role of the salesperson?

How to achieve a positive communication

  • Communication processes which lead to success in communication
  • Creating a good image, overcoming blocks
  • Client-orientated thinking and behaviour

sales psychology

Understanding the motives, feelings and messages (both conscious and unconscious) of our clients and how they express them (for example through body language, tone of voice etc.)

  • Recognizing buying-signals
  • Recognizing and dealing with objections
  • Building up trust

Particular aspects of communication processes which influence our sales success

Active listening and interview technique, status awareness, recognizing and dealing with blocks, knowing when and how to close a deal...

  • Presentation
  • Rhetoric, Argumentation, use of the voice, body language
  • Developing an effective “sales pitch” (Gesprächsleitfaden)

An important aspect of the training will be to develop confidence in selling in English.

Participants will be given many useful phrases and be able to practise these intensively throughout the workshop.

Teambuilding (an option?)

  • Group dynamic processes
  • "Working to make your partner look good"- cooperation in the workplace
  • "Process-orientated thinking"
  • Solving conflicts creatively

The style of the workshop, didactic method:

The training will have a workshop character and will be praxis-orientated.
Theoretical knowledge of communication skills will be included but the main emphasis will be on working through concrete examples, with inspiration from the trainer and colleagues.

Much use will be made of group work, games and exercises (Learning by doing). Participants are encouraged to bring their own ideas, challenges and case studies which are then worked through by the trainer and the group.

A warm, personal and often humorous atmosphere inspires openness, trust and pleasure in learning.
Participants will have a lot of fun!

Time-Budget: 2 days

 The specific content of each seminar is worked out according to the needs of the participants.